Thursday, January 22, 2009

Just a Number

Two stories...

First, we let the kids stay up way, way too late Friday. When telling brother that he'd need to go right to be because he stayed up way past bed bed time, he wanted to know how much past bedtime. We told him 2 and a half hours (told you it was way too late). Not quite getting the idea, he wanted more information. I told him it was how long school lasted (9-11:30 fyi). He quickly said, "Oh, I see, I though that was 8 minutes."

Second, tonight brother told me that he thought a friend from daycare had a sister who was maybe 18 (she's in elementary school, so I doubt this is accurate). I said, 18, old do you think I am? "Oh, you know, 95 or so." And your gramma? "She's 96." Thanks. Needed that.