Friday, April 23, 2010


Sis has a habbit of asking for a snack ("I wan da nack") any time we open the fridge or cabinet.  Trying to stress manners I reminded her recently, "What do we say when we ask for something?" 
Her response?   "More."

I'm with ya sweetheart

What she says-what she means

Belly but - Belly button
dat dere-that there
bop, bop - baa, baa
Like it (at top volume) - I don't like it
Like it, yeah, yeah - I do like it, really I do
Mine - Give it back or I will scream really loud
My (blanket, toy, sock, etc) - I have taken this over, I don't care who it belongs to

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ignorance is bliss

Brother told us last night that he has a girlfriend.  He told us that she is in his class and that she has a sister who is her twin.  We pried enough to find out that, though she is indeed his girlfriend - "For sure," Brother said - she may or may not be aware of this status.  I also asked how he can know which one of the twins is his girlfriend.  His response? "They have different backpacks."