Sunday, December 26, 2010

Nana: are you gonna be a doctor?
Sister: no, just a girl ... a girl and a princess!

Monday, December 6, 2010


We've been talking lately about "responsibility", whose is whose and mostly that we each need to remember our own responsibility.

So, as is her way, Sis has turned this around to us. Reminding us when something is our responsibility. Her version: responsibilia. As in, "That is not your responsibilia!!"

Saturday, November 20, 2010

"Dance! Move your body! Everybody up to dance with me! Good jahb people!" says Sis as she hits the play button on her music box over and over and over and over!!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Sister playing with a train: Choo-Choo. All a horn!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Brother about the zoo: I never realized tigers were so quiet.
Sister in sunglasses: I (look) like a movie star. Nana: oh, and what's a movie star? Sister: me.

Friday, August 13, 2010

This morning brother asked, "Can I have a hug?" I oblige gladly of course "Thanks," he says, "I don't like being hugless."

Friday, July 9, 2010


We're not sure where she learned it, but lately sis has been saying "that's ahskusting" or "dat's gusting". Mostly about food. Yesterday it was Mac and cheese. Then she ate it so who knows?

Friday, April 23, 2010


Sis has a habbit of asking for a snack ("I wan da nack") any time we open the fridge or cabinet.  Trying to stress manners I reminded her recently, "What do we say when we ask for something?" 
Her response?   "More."

I'm with ya sweetheart

What she says-what she means

Belly but - Belly button
dat dere-that there
bop, bop - baa, baa
Like it (at top volume) - I don't like it
Like it, yeah, yeah - I do like it, really I do
Mine - Give it back or I will scream really loud
My (blanket, toy, sock, etc) - I have taken this over, I don't care who it belongs to

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ignorance is bliss

Brother told us last night that he has a girlfriend.  He told us that she is in his class and that she has a sister who is her twin.  We pried enough to find out that, though she is indeed his girlfriend - "For sure," Brother said - she may or may not be aware of this status.  I also asked how he can know which one of the twins is his girlfriend.  His response? "They have different backpacks."

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Bird Day

Sis loves birthdays, not her own per se, just birthdays.  Without fail each and every time we light a candle - any candle - she breaks out in song, bobbing her head back and forth.  Her version:
"Appy bird day, appy bird day, bird day oo oo."

But as fun as bird day is for Sis, it is equally misery inspiring for Brother.  Imagine how horrid it would be if you were five and people were paying attention to someone other than you.  Well by gosh, that would just be pitiful. You might opt for whining and when that fails, turn mean, and when that fails, complain, and when that fails, pout about the house -- but finally, triumphantly, head off to school where there are no sisters and it's not anyone's bird day.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Last night Brother poured milk and got a cracker for both himself and Sis.  It was such a sweet gesture he did on his own.  Now we're out of milk, and I'm happy/sad that they don't need us so much anymore.