Tonight Sis did the cutest thing...almost. She crawled over to her baby doll, picked it up by the hand, handed it to me and said, "Baby." Well okay it was really more like "beh-beh," which is just like "bath" and "brother" in her language but believe me, she said baby. I gave baby a hug and gave the doll back to Sissy. She took baby in close for a cuddle of her own, and just as that big ole proud mama "Awwww" was arising to mind - she bit it. Yes, bit it - or maybe tried to eat it. Put the baby's head in her mouth and chomp! So much for awww. Not my kid....
Not to be out done by a baby, brother was up to his own antics. I hear lightsaber noices coming from the bathroom. It's tub time so Brother is sans clothes and has chosen the most conveniently located and ready-at-hand weapon. Yes, he is waving it around the bathroom and has moved on from the lightsaber noises into a high pitched, "Darth Vadar Ween! Darth Vadar Ween! Darth Vadar Ween!" chant. Again, not my kid....